August 04th, 2013
- Sarajevo Winner Dog Show 2013, Doberman Club Show, judge: Hans Wiblahauser, Manuela Betelges; excellent, CAC, Club...
August 03th, 2013
Added new galery of our "A" Litter from Ale Alamos del Citone & Kana del Nasi at age 45 days old.
July 22th, 2013
- NEW CHAMPION OF ARGENTINA QUEENIE BETELGES (Obi Wan Kenobi de Grande Vinko - Gala del Nasi)
July 19th, 2013
Obi Wan Kenobi de Grande Vinko - DCM DNA negative by NCSU Collage of Veterinary Medicine, USA
July 17th, 2013
New video added of Upsorn Betelges at age 11 months
July 17th, 2013
-June 17th our Freya Betelges was mated with Veyron del Monte Aspro. Puppies should be born around August 19th...
July 16th, 2013
Judges: Szokol Erika, Hans Wiblishauser, Barbara Corsini
Savana Betelges - World Junior Winner...
July 14th, 2013
- IDC 2012, Italy - PHOTOS
Kalina Betelges V2, Vize Class Winner , judge Florindo Coppo
Obi Wan Kenobi de Grande Vinko V4 in Champion...
July 14th, 2013
Dear visitors ,
after 6 months on inactivity of my web site now we start again and hope this time with this new design we will be more...
September 09th, 2012
- New photos of puppies from our "U" litter from Obi & Freya
- Page for sale updated
- presentation of our new dogs in males and females...
Dear friends/visitors , finally after few months I found a time to collect and to share with...
-- We expect "U" litter from Pride of Russia Urano and Xenia for...