- 14.05. was born our M litter from Zedor Del Nasi & Night Betelges PHOTOS
2 black males
3 brown males
5 black males
3 brown females
- NEW PHOTOS of out L litter from Obi Wan Kenobi de Grande Vinko - Galilea Betelges
- II Car Konstantin Doberman Kup 14.5.2011. Nis, Serbia
Judge : Martin Gschwidl ( A )
Jagisha Betelges - puppy winner, best puppy, rez. Best in show for pups
Freya Betelges - vice youth class Winner
Zora Betelges - Club Winner
Obi Wan Kenobi de Grande Vinko - Club Winner, Best of Breed, rez Best in Show
- XXVII Monografica Dobermann - Ponte de Lima, Portugal 2011-05-15, judge ;John Hull (UK)
- New photo of Obi Wan kenobi de Grande Vinko on age 2 years
- New photo of Dunja Betelges - head